World Energy Conservation Day: An Assessment

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 World Energy Conservation Day is observed on 14th December every year to enhance the awareness level among the world community in order to ensure higher quality of human life to a greater extant by utilizing needful energy of various forms.  This event   is also aimed at encouraging people for efficient energy use in order to decrease the energy consumption and prevent the energy loss.


In fact, the concept of conserving energy is to motivate  masses the world over to be Eco-friendly in all respects. As the usage of energy is greatly affecting the environment and results into global warming. Even the production of energy by any of the resources is also disturbing the nature by constructing huge structures for industries and power houses.

Though a lot of events such as workshops,debates, conferences and other educational competitions have been organized with the motives to conserve the energy, but the need of consuming  energy is increasing day by day the world over.


  With rising demand of energy , governments has to construct various industrial resources such as hydro-power plants dams ,nuclear power plants ,thermal power plants and others .This type of process is also degrading our environmental conditions . Natural beauty is being disturbed by blocking the actual course of river water ,shifting the habitats to other places ,drilling mountains to make tunnel of water flow into power plants ,cutting of plants ,etc.

Therefore ,energy conservation has been becoming an issue of raising the sensitiveness regarding saving our mother nature.A great change is witnessed these days about climate .global warming is increasing day by day.According to BBC ,there is an increase of about 2% in the global warming . the aftermath of this dread climatic change is being felt as an invitation to man infectious diseases the world over as is witnessed in case of corona-virus pandemic .

To conserve the energy is to sustain an effective human  life as well as the future generation . For this, everything  is being taken from nature in order to fulfill the greedy needs of human beings . The mother earth  contains fossil fuel ,coals ,petroleum ,natural gas and crude oil etc ,but their stock is very limited .


Though the observance of 14th December is not only to observe energy conservation day but it must be the day of assessing the following questions:

  • What have been gained for conserving energy till now?
  • To what extent we have reached to achieve the target ?
  • Are we aware about climate change?
  • Are we becoming sensitive to make a quality utilization of energy resources?
  • Are we able to make people aware about global warming?
  • To what extent we are able to promote the efforts to save energy sources?
  • Are we able to establish state of harmony between land and human being?
  • Have we got successful to raise awareness among the general public about importance of energy conservation and energy efficiency?
  • Are the efforts to reduce the consumption of energy to the level of saving the energy resources for the next generation?
  • To what extent we are able to ensure air quality till date?
  • What parameters have been launched to check the unnecessary use of energy resources?

Since 198 countries have signed the historic Paris agreement of 2015 to stop the climate change and India is one among a few countries to accomplish its goal and fulfills the promise .  As per the report of global carbon budget,2020, India registered  9 % reduction in its CO2 emissions which is 2% more than 7% that of the world.


Now it is a time to understand the utilization of energy resources which are increasing the rate of global warming.It is also a crucial time to understand utilizing the natural energy resources like solar power and to make its availability to the common man to a greater extent.

It is a sensitive time to educate not only the masses but especially future generation through educational processes in order to enhance the awareness level about those energy resources which are creating global warming to a larger extent around the world.

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